Sunday, February 19, 2012

One more wig to add to the site.

Recently I built the dressing gown for Christine from Phantom of the Opera. I put this wig together to go with it. The beginning of March we will be doing another photo shoot to update some pages for the website.


  1. LOVE the Christine Daae wig!! I can't wait to order one for myself this June!!!! :-)

  2. It's wonderful! ♥ But I can't find it on your website (?) Is it already sold out? :D

  3. Hello Katikut, The Christine wig is up on Etsy now. I've been out of town and unable to find the time to complete the wig site on the website. Also the wigs I do manage to get done get snatched up quicker than I can post them. A very wonderful thing since I enjoy doing them so much. Here is a link for you. If you are still interested I will make the calculations for shipping over seas and we can go from there.
